人類是群居動物,所以當身邊沒有伴時我們會感到寂寞。然而網路插畫家Reimena Ashel Yee卻對寂寞有另外一番見解,她認為寂寞有時並非一件壞事,因為寂寞,我們反而更能靜下心來與自己相處,好好了解自己。就讓我們一起欣賞這篇精彩獨到的漫畫!

Being in an age where everyone is connected everywhere and talking to everyone every time , it can make us more afraid of being alone than we already naturally are. We all have a need to belong to each other. At the same time though we need to learn how to belong to ourselves, and personally I find that it’s very important especially with so many things going on we could very easily lose ourselves. Having a rich inner life is just as important as having a rich outer life, and they both inform each other. --Reimena Ashel Yee
身處在無論何時何地都能與人聯繫的時代,孤單寂寞比起過往更教人害怕。每個人都需要一份歸屬,但與此同時,我們也應該學習如何屬於自己。我個人覺得這非常重要,尤其在各種狀況接踵而來之際,我們很容易失去自我。內心世界的充實和人際關係的充實一樣重要,兩者是相輔相成的。 --Reimena Ashel Yee
延伸閱讀──[心靈塗鴉巷] 請對自己好一點